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2007年毕业于河南大学应用化学专业并获工学学士学位,之后在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室硕博连读并与2013年获理学博士学位,20137月至20153月在新加坡国立大学从事博士后研究工作并于20154月起就职于jdb电子试玩-游戏试玩赚钱 任副教授。




Ø  高分子功能材料的设计;

Ø  燃料电池及锂离子电池离子交换膜制备;

Ø  高分子光电材料。




1.         Jing Li, Weiwei Cai, Liying Ma, Yunfeng Zhang, Zhangxian Chen, Hansong Cheng, Towards Neat Methanol Operation of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells: A Novel Self-Assembled Proton Exchange Membrane, Chemical Communications, 2015;51: 6556-6559.

2.         Jing Li, Hongwei Fu, Pan Hu, Zilong Zhang, Xiao Li, Yanxiang Cheng, Catalysts for Suzuki Polycondensation: Ionic and “Quasi-Ionic” Amphipathic Palladium Complexes with Self-Phase-Transfer Feature, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2012;18:13941-13944.

3.         Jing Li, Weiwei Cai, Yunfeng Zhang, Guodong Xu, and Hansong Cheng, Novel Polyamide Proton Exchange Membranes with Bi-Functional Sulfonimide Bridges for Fuel Cell Applications, Electrochimica Acta, 2015;151:168-176.

4.         Jing Li, Weiwei Cai, Yunfeng Zhang, Guodong Xu, Hansong Cheng, 3D-Branched Rigid–Flexible Hybrid Sulfonated Polyamide for Proton Exchange Membranes (PEMs) in Fuel Cell Applications, Energy Technology, 2015;3:155-161.

5.         Jing Li, Weiwei Cai, YunFeng Zhang, Hansong Cheng, Rigid-Flexible Hybrid Proton-Exchange Membranes with Improved Water-Retention Properties and High Stability for Fuel Cells, Energy Technology, 2014;2:685-691.

6.         Jing Li, Hongwei Fu, Pan Hu, Zilong Zhang, Xiao Li, Yanxiang Cheng, Amphiphatic Palladium Complexes with Polyethoxylated Groups and Their Application in Synthesis of Poly(9,9-Dioctyfluorene), Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2013;9: 1143-1150.

7.         Liying Ma, Jing Li,* Weiwei Cai, Kun Fan, Yao Jiang, Hansong Cheng, A facile method to construct highly efficient methanol resistive polyamide-based proton exchange membrane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, In Press.

8.         Hui Li, Jing Li, Junqiao Ding, Wei Yuan, Zilong Zhang, Luyi Zou, Xingdong Wang, Hongmei Zhan, Zhiyuan Xie, Yanxiang Cheng, Lixiang Wang, Design, Synthesis, and Optoelectronic Properties of Dendrimeric Pt(II) Complexes and Their Ability to Inhibit Intermolecular Interaction, Inorganic. Chemistry, 2014;53:810–821.

9.         Hongwei Fu, Jing Li, Zilong Zhang, Hongmei Zhan, Xiao Li, Yanxiang Cheng, Synthesis of Novel Polyfluorene with Defined Group in The Center Using Aryl Dipalladium Complex as An Initiator, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2013;738:55–58.

10.      Yunfeng Zhang, Jing Li, Liang Ma, Weiwei Cai, Hansong Cheng, Recent Development of Alternative Proton Exchange Membranes: Strategies for Systematic Performance Improvement, Energy Technology, 2015;3:675-691.

11.      Weiwei Cai, Jing Li, Yunfeng Zhang, Guodong Xu, Hansong Cheng, Minimizing Polysulfide Shuttles in Lithium Sulfur Batteries by Introducing Immobile Lithium Ions into Carbon–Sulfur Nanocomposites, ChemElectroChem, 2014;1:1662-1666.

12.      Weiwei Cai, Jing Li, Yao Jiang, Changpeng Liu, Wei Xing, Formic Acid Electro-catalytic Oxidation at High Temperature in Supporting Electrolyte Free System: Mechanism Study and Catalyst Stability, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016; 761:68–73.

13.      Weiwei Cai, Jing Li, Yunfeng Zhang, Guodong Xu, Rupesh Rohan, Yubao SunHansong Cheng, Current Status and Future Prospects of Research on Single Ion Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium Battery Applications, Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society (English Edition), 2014;1:78-92.

14.      Liying Ma, Weiwei Cai,* Jing Li, Kun Fan, Yao Jiang, Liang Ma, Hansong Cheng, A high performance polyamide-based proton exchange membrane fabricated via construction of hierarchical proton conductive channels, Journal of Power Sources, 2016; 302:189–194.

15.      Weiwei Cai, Kun Fan, Jing Li, Liying Ma, Guoxiao Xu, Sen Xu, Liang Ma, Hansong Cheng, A Bi-Functional Polymeric Nano-Sieve Nafion Composite Membrane: Improved Performance for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, In Press.

16.      Guodong Xu, Rupesh Rohan, Jing Li, Hansong Cheng, A Novel sp3 Al-Based Porous Single-Ion Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium Ion Batteries, RSC Advances, 2015;5:32343-32349.

17.      Weiwei Cai, Yunfeng Zhang, Jing Li, Yubao Sun, Hansong Cheng, Single-Ion Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Enable LithiumIon Batteries with a Broad Operating Temperature Range, ChemSusChem, 2014;7:1063-1067.

18.      Hongwei Fu, Qunli Song, Jing Li, Zilong Zhang, Xiao Li, Hongmei Zhan, Yanxiang Cheng, Synthesis Aand Characterization of Mono- and Dinuclear Aryl Palladium(II) Complexes: Oxidative Additions of 1,4-Dihalogenated Benzene or 4,4'-Dibromobiphenyl to Pd(PR3)4, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2014;67:482–494.

19.      Yunfeng Zhang, Joycelyn Woo Yun Ting, Weiwei Cai, Jing Li, Guodong Xu, Rupesh Rohan, An Lin and Hansong Cheng, Fabrication of A Proton Exchange Membrane via Blended Sulfonimide Functionalized Polyamide, Journal of Materials Science, 2014;49:3442-3450.



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