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发光材料与半导体材料 2、晶体生长与熔体结构
2006-2008,离子注入后Si 和SiGe合金半导体中缺陷研究,教育部留学回国启动基金;
1. A.H. Zhong, J. Tan, H.L. Huang, S.C. Chen, M. Wang and S. Xu, Thickness effect on the evolution of morphology and optical properties of ZnO films, Applied Surface Science, 2011,257(9): 4051-4055
2. 钟爱华,谭劲,陈圣昌,包鲁明,艾飞,李飞. 衬底温度对N-Al共掺杂ZnO 薄膜形貌及光致发光性能的影响, 功能材料,2010,6(41):1008-1011
3. 艾飞, 谭劲, 李飞, 包鲁明, 钟爱华, 陈圣昌. 多种ZnO纳米结构和ZnO/ZnS核壳结构的制备, 液晶与显示, 2010, 25(1): 11-16
4. 包鲁明,谭劲,池召坤,何谋春,艾飞,钟爱华,陈圣昌,透辉石-钙长石体系熔体在不同过冷条件下晶体生长研究, 矿物岩石,2009,29:17 - 22
5. 池召坤,谭劲,包鲁明,艾飞,黄焱球,何谋春,李飞,熔体过冷度对透辉石晶体形貌、成分及过渡层性质的影响,人工晶体学报,2009,38(1):88-94.
6. 杨福华,谭劲,周成冈,凌芝,SiGe合金半导体中自间隙缺陷和两种碳相关缺陷的计算研究,稀有金属,2009,33(3):343-347
7. 杨福华,谭劲,周成冈,罗红波,Si1-xGex合金半导体中CiCs和CiOi缺陷随Ge含量变化的研究,物理学报,2008,57(2): 1109-1116.
8. 罗红波,谭劲,杨福华,池召坤,In含量变化对N-In共掺杂ZnO薄膜的结构和性能的影响,功能材料,2007,38(增刊): 59-62.
9. J. Tan, G. Davies, S. Hayama, and A. N. Larsen, Evolution of W optical center in Si-implanted epitaxial SiGe at low temperature annealing, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90: 041910.
10. R.E. Harding G. Davies, J. Tan, P.G. Coleman, C.P. Burrows, J. Wong-Leung, Identification by photoluminescence and positron annihilation of vacancy and interstitial intrinsic defects in ion-implanted silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 100 (7): 073501
11. J. Tan, G. Davies, S. Hayama, and V. P. Markevich, The different behaviour of CiOi and CiCs defects in SiGe, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2006, 9: 58-61.
12. J. Tan, S. R. Zhao, Q. Huang, G. Davies, and X. X. Mo, The microstructure of silicate varying with crystal and melt properties under the same cooling condition, Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39: 939-948.
13. J. Tan, S. R. Zhao, W. F. Wang, G. Davies, and X. X. Mo, The effect of cooling rate on the structure of sodium silicate glass, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2004, 106: 295-299.
14. S. Hayama, G. Davies, J. Tan, J. Coutinlo, R. Jones, and K. M. Itoh, Lattice isotope effects on optical transition in silicon, Physical Review B, 2004, 70: 035202.
15. 王卫锋,谭劲,张德,王青建,田靖民,田世德.玄武岩成分区熔体结构Raman光谱研究,地球科学,2004,29(1): 39-44
16. J. Tan, G. Davies, S. Hayama, R. Harding, and J. Wong-Leung, Ion implantation effects in silicon with high carbon content characterised by photoluminescence,Physica B,2003,340-342: 714 –718
17. S. Hayama, G. Davies, J. Tan, V. P. Markevich, A. R. Peaker, J Evans-Freeman, K. D. Vernon-Parry, and N. V. Abrosimov, Carbon-related centres in SiGe alloys, Physica B, 2003, 340-342: 823-826.
18. 王卫锋,谭劲,尤静林,赵珊茸,张德,蒋国昌.AbxAnxDiy硅酸盐熔体结构及其结晶相的高温Raman光谱研究,硅酸盐学报,2003,30(1): 41-46