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应jdb电子试玩 的邀请,University of Connecticut孙陆逸博士应邀来我校交流并作学术报告。
Tailoring the Third Dimension in Layered Materials—Direct Synthesis of Layered Intercalation Compounds and Colloidal Single-Layer Nanosheets
报告时间:5月14日(本周四) 上午10:00
Dr. Luyi Sun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, as well as a core faculty member in the Polymer Program, Institute of Materials Science at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Sun’s current research focuses on the design and synthesis of nano-structured multifunctional materials for various applications, with a focus on energy and environmental engineering. Dr. Sun has published more than ninety (90) peer-reviewed journal articles and two (2) book chapters. Dr. Sun is the inventor/co-inventor of thirty four (34) International and US patents/patent applications. Many of his patents have been licensed or commercialized. The scientific results by Dr. Sun have been reported by major media including Chemical & Engineering News of the American Chemical Society, Plastics Engineering magazine of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), and Nanowerk.
Dr. Sun is the President of the Chinese American Society of Plastic Engineers (since 2013) and the Chairman of the Engineering Properties & Structure Division of the SPE. He also served as the Chair for the Composites Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE, 2012-2013), and the Vice President of the Chinese American Chemical Society-Southwest Chapter (2011-2013). In the past seven years, Dr. Sun has organized over 30 international/national conferences, and chaired many sessions.
Layered materials have been well investigated and have found widespread application. Traditionally, one can only alter the lateral dimension (X and Y directions) of layered compounds. The layer thickness or composition in the Z direction is hard to be finely controlled during the growth of layered compounds. Such a deficit severely limits the possibility during the materials design. Herein we demonstrate that by introducing a layer growth coordinator or inhibitor, one can directly synthesize layered intercalation compounds or single layer nanosheets, respectively. The coordinator or inhibitor helps tailor the interaction between neighboring layers, and in turn help guide or block the interlayer growth. We anticipate the new understanding of how the growth of layered materials can be tailored will be valuable for researchers to design new materials.

jdb电子试玩院办 2015-5-11

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