
夏帆教授、侯书恩教授和靳洪允副教授邀请,华盛顿大学化学系David S. Ginger教授来我校交流并做学术报告。
报告题目:Interface Control to Approach Solar Cell Efficiency Limits with Halide Perovskites
Halide perovskites are currently of intense interest for solar energy and optoelectronic applications. Although remarkable gains in performance have been demonstrated in the past few years, most current devices are limited by non-radiative recombination losses. In this talk, I will focus on uncovering and eliminating these loss processes. Experiments suggests that electrical heterogeneities in both the perovskite active layer, as well as the perovskite/electrode interface, affect carrier diffusion and non-radiative recombination processes within perovskite solar cells. I will describe both confocal and conductive atomic force microscopy (cAFM) to explore the role of heterogeneities and grain boundaries on lateral carrier transport, and will demonstrate varying degrees of grain boundary opacity to carrier transport depending on the structure. We will also discuss both ligand exchange and cation exchange experiments in the context of tailoring the properties of halide perovskite thin films. We show that with controlled passivation of the perovskite surfaces we are able to obtain carrier lifetimes and PL intensities in solution-processed thin films that rival those in the best single crystals, achieving over 90% PL internal quantum efficiency and quasi-Fermi level splittings that exceed 96% of the Shockley-Queisser limit under illumination. Combining these results with experiments demonstrating contact-induced losses in many common perovskite architectures, we then explore new contact materials and their potential for increased efficiency.
David S. Ginger教授是华盛顿大学化学系Alvin L. and Verla R. Kwiram 教授,清洁能源研究院副院长、首席科学家,华盛顿清洁能源基金会杰出科学家。目前,担任ACS Chemical Reviews(影响因子:47.93)、ACS Nano编委、ACS Photonics编委、Annual Review of Physical Chemistry编委,是American Association for the Advancement of Science的fellow,2016 Gordon Conference on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials大会主席。Ginger教授是pcAFM的开拓者、trEFM的发明者、光电太阳能的领军者,主要从事光电材料及器件的研究,发表论文150余篇,其中,Science正刊3篇,Nature及子刊5篇,论文引用:>13,000次,H因子:>56.