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应jdb电子试玩 夏帆教授和梁玉军教授的邀请,西澳大利亚大学雷文教授来我校作学术报告。

报告题目:HgCdTe semiconductor optoelectronics: Material, Physics, and Device Applications



报告摘要:HgCdTe infrared detectors have dominated the high performance end of infrared imaging market for decades due to their unbeatable device performance. However, the further development (next generation) of infrared applications requires the detectors to have lower cost, larger array size, higher operation temperature, and multiband detection, which presents big challenges to current HgCdTe infrared technology due to its various limitations. In this talk, I will introduce part of our recent effort at UWA on developing next generation HgCdTe infrared detectors and exploring their applications in on-chip chemical sensors. GaSbalternative substrate, novel “nBn” device architecture, and adaptive focal plane array were proposed to reduce the cost, increase the array size, enhance the operation temperature, and realize multicolor detection of HgCdTe detectors. HgCdTe on-chip chemical sensors were also explored by integrating HgCdTe waveguide and HgCdTe detector together. Some other alternative infrared detector technologies such as HgCdSe were also explored at UWA, and will be discussed in this talk as well.

报告人简介:雷文博士现任西澳大利亚大学教授、博士生导师、澳大利亚研究协会(ARC) Future Fellow(类似于中国国家基金委的“杰青”),以及西澳大利亚大学电子材料与器件实验室主任,目前主要从事半导体红外光电技术、新型半导体纳米光电功能器件、能源转换与存储器件等方面的应用研究。领导、参与并完成了多项澳大利亚、美国、德国和中国的科研项目(近5年来所领导的纵向项目近3百万澳元,横向应用项目不便列出),并在Applied Physics Reviews, Physical Review Letters, Small, Analytical Chemistry, Nanoscale, Applied Physics Letters等领域内顶级权威期刊上发表论文70多篇,撰写英文专著两部,申请专利两项,并受邀在著名评论期刊Applied Physics Reviews (ISI影响因子: 14.3)上发表有关碲镉汞红外光电技术的评论,其成果为国内外同行所广泛关注,其中九篇论文成果为Nature Materials,Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology,Journal of Technology and Science和Verticalnews等期刊选取报道和收录。作为国际上从事碲镉汞红外光电技术研究仅有的两个大学实验室之一(其他均为政府国防实验室或国防防务公司),雷文博士在低成本、大阵列、高工作温度以及多色探测的第三代碲镉汞红外成像技术研究方面取得了多项突破,其研究成果受到国际同行和专业媒体的广泛关注,是在碲镉汞红外光电技术方面具有国际视野的创新型科学家。相关研究成果多次入选美国澳大利亚双边Enabling technology技术交流,引起美国陆军研究实验室(ARL),陆军研究基金(ARO),空军科学研究局(AFOSR),Teledyne,陆军夜视和电子传感器管理局(NVESD),国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)等多方面的关注。由于其杰出的研究成果,雷文博士受邀担任五种国际知名期刊的编辑及客座编辑,受邀在多所国外大学及国际会议上做学术报告,并受邀担任二十多种知名国际期刊的特邀审稿人以及四个国家地区的科研项目评审人。



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