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应jdb电子试玩 侯书恩教授、靳洪允副教授邀请,美国华盛顿大学曹国忠教授来我校交流并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报告题目: Beyond lithium-ion batteries: electroactive materials for divalent ion rechargeable batteries




Lithium ion batteries have achieved pervasive applications in many aspects in current technologies and played an indispensable role in our mobile life. Many active research efforts on innovative materials and device architecture are certainly to advance the lithium ion battery further towards higher energy and power density as well as long cycling life. However, the further spread applications of lithium ion batteries are humbled by the limited resources and consequent rising prices of lithium and cobalt metals; search for new battery materials and device design becomes imperative and has attracted increasing attention in the materials and battery communities. In this presentation, after an overview of second ion batteries, I will present our most recent research on the synthesis of various promising cathode materials for divalent ions including both magnesium and zinc, with controlled or tuned interlayer distance, bulk defects and surface chemistry to attain desired storage capacity and transport properties. The cathode materials investigated include vanadium oxides, vanadates, manganese oxides, and Figure 1 shows the zinc-ion charge-discharge curves and rate performance of vanadate cathode. In addition, we will discuss the introduction of surface passivation layer on magnesium anode by the formation of an ionic conductive but electronic insulating layer.


曹国忠,博士,美国华盛顿大学材料科学与工程系波音-施泰纳讲席教授、化学工程系教授、机械工程系兼职教授。发表学术论文740余篇,外文论著8部,负责编撰会议论文集4期。为汤森路透高被引科学家之一,h-index: 932017年获得美国亚裔工程师奖。现兼任Annu. Rev. Nano Res.主编,《纳米光子学杂志》(Journal of Nanophotonics)、《中国科学材料》(Science China Materials)和《科学通报》(Science Bulletin)副主编,《纳米能源》(Nano Energy)、《储能材料》(Energy Storage Materials)、《先进电子材料》(Advanced Electronic Materials)和《颗粒与颗粒系统特性》(Particles and Particle System Characterization)编委。目前研究主要集中在纳米材料在能源领域的应用,涉及太阳能电池、储能电池和超级电容器等方面。




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